We would like to thank you for signing up to ‘Exams Assist.’ To help you on this journey we have prepared a quick setup guide for you. (For detailed instructions, please refer to the manuals which are available below).
By accepting the data sharing agreement your school data will be shared with ‘SchoolWorkSpace.’
Data sharing for Arbor is via the 2 Arbor 'apps' and can be granted either from the invite we initiate through the Arbor portal or from the link to our app. The "SchoolWorkSpace" app fetches the data from Arbor into SchoolWorkSpace and the "SchoolWorkSpace Writeback" app is only used for writeback into Arbor.
• Pupil/Candidate Details
• Parental Details (Parent/carers with parental responsibility only)
• Staff Details
• Candidate Timetable
• Attendance Data
• Candidate Entries
• Candidate Access Arrangements
Data sharing for Bromcom is via the SchoolWorkSpace 'app' and can only be granted in Bromcom.
• Pupil/Candidate Details
• Parental Details (Parent/carers with parental responsibility only)
• Staff Details
• Candidate Timetable
• Attendance Data
• Candidate Entries
• Candidate Access Arrangements
For SIMS the following data will be automatically synced using ‘Groupcall Xporter’ (please allow an hour for this process to complete):
• Pupil/Candidate Details
• Parental Details (Parent/carers with parental responsibility only)
• Staff Details
• Candidate Timetable
• Attendance Data
The following data will not be automatically synced and will require a manual upload from SIMS Exams:
• Candidate Entries
• Candidate Access Arrangements
Note – A centre doesn’t need to import their Entries or Access Arrangements File for the purpose of scheduling invigilators, completing the exam registers and writing the attendance data back into the MIS, these will work without importing these files. However, by not importing these two files some functionalities will not be available to you such as the allocation of Laptops or allocation of a Modified Paper to a candidate.
Once the data share has been authorised and the data has synced, the staff member who authorised will be created as both an Admin User and Exams Officer in Exams Assist. This user will then be able to manage all school settings and create new users (Full guidance on this can be found in the user manual).
Navigate to schoolworkspace.co.uk/
Select Login | ‘Login to SchoolWorkSpace.’
Enter the email address used to register with SchoolWorkSpace.
As this will be your first time to log in, select ‘Forget Password,’ and a 6-digit code will then be emailed to you.
Once this code has been entered you will be prompted to create and confirm a new password.
In Exams Assist navigate to ‘Schools Settings’ | ‘Other Settings’ | ‘Staff Roles.’
Note - Any members of staff in the MIS will sync into Exams Assist. To add a new member of staff, select Add User | Add Staff User. Select Staff Login Settings to turn on Multi-Factor Authentication and any other login settings you require for your school,
Security Groups Explained:
Teaching – For staff to be able to login to ‘SchoolWorkSpace’ and review their entries and view the access arrangement for candidates in their entries they will need to be assigned this security group.
SMT – Staff assigned to this security group are able to view all entries and access arrangements candidates. They are able to ‘Authorise’ or ‘Decline’ any changes requested by teaching staff. Once the entries have been authorised by the HOD(F), a member of SLT are able to approve these by selecting ‘SLT Approve.’
Exams Officer – Staff assigned to this security group are able to manage the settings for this Module, upload entries/access arrangements, create seating plans, allocate and manage invigilators, scheduling of the invigilators/staff and the printing of candidate cards which will allow the invigilators to mark the registers electronically using the QR code.
Exams Aid – Staff assigned to this security group will be able to view the ‘Daily Planner Tab'. This will give the ability for Senior Leaders, Attendance Officers, Reception staff and Support staff to be able to see valuable information about exams by a date view including the ability to write the exam attendance back to the MIS (if supported).
For SIMS Importing the Entries and Access Arrangement Files:
In SIMS Exams save the ‘Statement of Entry’ for all internal candidates - Reports | Entries | Statement of Entry. Include all candidates, Fee Information and Include Component Information.
In SIMS Exams save the ‘Candidate Special Arrangements’ for all internal candidate – Reports | Seating Organiser | Candidate Special Arrangements.
Log into https://schoolworkspace.co.uk/
In ‘Exams Assist,’ – Overview Tab | Actions | Upload Statement of Entries | Submit.
In ‘Exams Assist,’ – Overview Tab | Actions | Upload Candidate Special Arrangement | Submit.
In the ‘Exam Entries’ tab select ‘Published’ then Actions | Set as Default Season.
Navigate to Actions | Access Arrangements Setting to match the access arrangements in SIMS with those to be used in Exams.
Note - Details on how to manage the Entries and Access Arrangements Candidates in Exams Assist can be found in the user manual.
Navigate to the Invigilator tab | Add Staff Invigilator to add the invigilator/staff to the season. In the popup box, select the type of invigilator, allocate to a room for scheduling purposes and select any training received.
Send an email inviting the staff invigilators to provide their availability – Select Staff | Selected | Send Email requesting availability to selected.
If Agency Staff will be used you’ll need to select the number required. Overview | Edit | Number of Agency Invigilators.
Note - An Invigilator does not need to be allocated to a security group in exams assist.
Remember - Add any members of staff that need to view details of rooms during an exam season as an invigilator in this tab and assign them as Roaming Invigilator Type.
I seating has been carried out in the MIS and imported exams the scheduler will be populated. Use the availability provided by the invigilators to complete the schedules.
However, if the seating has been carried out in Exams Assist then the scheduler will be populated as soon as the exams has been assigned to a room in the timetable/seating tab.
It is possible to add a note to the room and mark the allocation as ‘completed’.
Note – Multi-season is not supported in the 'Scheduler' Tab