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ExamsAssist Order Form

Your Contact Details:

Data Contact Details:

If your school isn't already setup in SchoolWorkSpace. To setup your school we will send a data sharing email to this contact. *


* Please enter the details of the member of staff that is authorised to agree a data share with a third party product.
This should be the personal name and email address for a member of staff in the School / MAT with their work email address.
Please contact the member of staff to let them know to expect an email from Groupcall Xporter / Wonde requesting to share data.

Billing Contact Details:

Please enter details of the billing contact at the school

School Details:

LEA(3 digits) + Estab (4 digits)
Multi Academy Trust name if applicable

What MIS does your centre use?

How did you hear about us?

Exams Assist Module

* Offer of free trial will not run in the period 15th March to 23rd June so that we can focus on supporting schools for the main public exam season.

** 1/2 day training (+ £379) supplied by EODS your details will be passed onto them to arrange. The training can only be booked once payment has been made and must be taken within the academic year in which it is purchased. The training does not have to be taken all at once - it can be taken as one session or split into two.